16 May 2008

if you're thinking of homeschooling

The Tanglewood School offers what just might be the right amount of support and structure. the folks there balance their Classical education leanings with the teachings of Charlotte Mason. there are not a few (mostly Christian) homeschoolers these days claiming Charlotte as their own. the link above is a short introduction. i am interested, of course, in her idea of nature study. and in keeping nature journals. and in the insistence that children go outside each day no matter the weather. but her work also displays a clear headed respect and interest in children. something you might share.

anyhow, at the Tanglewood site, you'll find lots of book recommendations and a few record keeping and planning sheets. it's got me excited to start keeping a record of what we're doing here. applying some method to our days.

1 comment:

S said...

Although I'm not deeply familiar with Charlotte Mason, what i have seen especially regarding the nature studies is so wonderful. You might also look into Waldorf education which emphasises nature and imagination and keeping childhood simple and joyful!