there's a new edition of fieldwork on it's way out into the world. and maybe to your mailbox! if you'd like a copy, just let me know. i'll send it along.
this one's about Reggio Emilia inspired education. and the best place for all things Reggio is the Camp Creek Blog. it's very well organized, very well written, helpful, inspiring. quite a find.
if you want more pictures or more stories, there's my one deep drawer where i keep the bits and pieces of our days.
loved your zine!! i’m going to mention it on the blog, but i promptly misplaced it in the bermuda's-triangle-for-paper that is my office, and i want to take a picture of it! :^P
oh my goodness, and thank you, thank you for your kind words about my blog. :^)
oh, Lori! the pleasure is mine!
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